
114 lines
3.5 KiB

module.exports = {
name: 'argumentstest',
description: 'Test command for args',
help: 'This command is used to test the arguments of a command',
options: [
name: 'type3',
type: 3,
description: 'STRING',
required: false
name: 'type4',
type: 4,
description: 'INTEGER',
required: false
name: 'type5',
type: 5,
description: 'BOOLEAN',
required: false
name: 'type6',
type: 6,
description: 'USER',
required: false
name: 'type7',
type: 7,
description: 'CHANNEL',
required: false
name: 'type8',
type: 8,
description: 'ROLE',
required: false
name: 'type9',
type: 9,
description: 'MENTIONABLE',
required: false
name: 'type10',
type: 10,
description: 'NUMBER',
required: false
name: 'type11',
type: 11,
description: 'ATTACHMENT',
required: false
slash: true,
text: true,
admin: false,
requireKick: false,
requireBan: false,
canBeUsedInDm: true,
premium: false,
contexts: ['GUILD_TEXT', 'DM'],
integration_types: [0,1],
execute(message, args) {'Arguments test command executed');
var txt = '';
if(args) {
for (var key in args) {
txt += key + ': ' + args[key] + '\n';
executeSlash(interaction) {
var stringToReturn = 'Arguments test command executed\n';
//get which type of argument was passed, and return the value
if(interaction.options.getString('type3')) {
stringToReturn += 'type3: ' + interaction.options.getString('type3') + '\n';
if(interaction.options.getInteger('type4')) {
stringToReturn += 'type4: ' + interaction.options.getInteger('type4') + '\n';
if(interaction.options.getBoolean('type5')) {
stringToReturn += 'type5: ' + interaction.options.getBoolean('type5') + '\n';
if(interaction.options.getUser('type6')) {
stringToReturn += 'type6: ' + interaction.options.getUser('type6').username + '\n';
if(interaction.options.getChannel('type7')) {
stringToReturn += 'type7: ' + interaction.options.getChannel('type7').name + '\n';
if(interaction.options.getRole('type8')) {
stringToReturn += 'type8: ' + interaction.options.getRole('type8').name + '\n';
if(interaction.options.getMentionable('type9')) {
stringToReturn += 'type9: ' + interaction.options.getMentionable('type9').name + '\n';
if(interaction.options.getNumber('type10')) {
stringToReturn += 'type10: ' + interaction.options.getNumber('type10') + '\n';
if(interaction.options.getMessage('type11')) {
stringToReturn += 'type11: ' + interaction.options.getMessage('type11').content + '\n';